June 28, 2012

Good Times

Things have been pretty rough lately. I’ve been making too many mistakes that start to do me some serious damage. And there’s no one else to blame for feeling this 2011 feeling all over again. I’m supposed (and expecting) to sail smoother seas right now instead of this post-degree-crisis, hating everything and getting freaked out. It’s the same woe-is-me tale really. And I want to just disappear, drop everything, run back to my sanctuary, watch series and movies, be forever alone in the internet refreshing 9gag like there’s no tomorrow, rove around twitter all day, et cetera.

Good thing there are these new hits that somehow keeps me sane giving me a little dose of good times.

Owl City & Carly Rae Jepsen – Good Time 1.5

fun. – Some Nights 1.25

The Cab – La La 1.25

John Mayer – Shadow Days 1.0


  1. Life with all its ups and downs! Smile lang.. :)

  2. it's going to end soon. life has a lot of beautiful things to offer :)))

    God bless you.
