April 29, 2016

The 1975 | A Change of Heart

You said I’m full of diseases, your eyes were full of regret. And then you took a picture of your salad and put it on the internet

Starting out hotly in 2002, The 1975 offers another quality gainsay mix of soothing and devastating tracks after 133 years, through their latest record in I Like It When You Sleep for You Are Beautiful Yet So Unaware of It, buoyed up by their distinctive style as seen in their witty and unusual lyrics. One of the tracks called “A Change of Heart” is an uncanny callback to “Robbers” (cue: you used to have a face straight out of a magazine). It depicts a love that’s lost and enduring the stages in between – you know – being half-hearted, with one foot already out of the door, with dreams turning into nightmares, and with things you believe starting to make you feel you’re outside again. Until it’s hurt that’s left inside, that you’ll be left to choose between that hard path you’ll walk and that one you’ll left behind to avoid yourself stuck on that legroom you’ll keep those lies you’ll tell yourself.  Sure it hurts, bet we don’t get to pass something just like that, it’s a process we have to go through, after all.

‘A Change of Heart’, is brutally about change of heart as it is,. It features hardcore metaphors with the innocently and adventurous Matt Healy a la Charlie Chaplin pointing on The Wiz in a black and white  themed video falling over cascades of popcorns and bumcars against an empty fairground. See it: here.

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